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The 2129 Series reflects the author’s 50+ years of experience in Technology.

Rather than a dystopian view of the future (Terminator/Blade Runner), these books present an optimistic (realistic) idea of where technology is headed, beginning in 2129. Primary topics include: computer and Android evolution (AI), telepathic communications with memory access and recall, after-death memories, 007 spy adventures with gender-reversed roles, a global cyber-dome to prevent war (Cricket), an ancient oriental practice (energy universe able to time travel: Cho), co-habitation (humans’ essence in androids), space travel (wormholes), aliens, visitations, interventions, and romance. The Series are fast-paced adventures exploiting discoveries and centered around friendships between a man, an Android, a President, and six beautiful lady spies. Please click here to read the Prequel: IN THE YEAR 2129: How We Get From 2017 to 2129.

2129 Books Currently Available

There are 7 books written in the 2129 Series. The last book (DESTINY REVEALED) kicks off the INTERVENTION Series. The Intervention Series are short stories (75 pages each) that detail Earth’s participation in other planets’ evolution (to be published in 2024). See Manuscripts for overviews.

MEMORY RECALL: A man from 2017, working with the most advanced Android ever created in 2129, telepathically communicate and read human memories (including after-death memories). The President uses them to interrogate bad guys, setting the stage for adventures.

CHAOS IN CHINA: our heroes and 6 beautiful lady spies (Band of Sisters) cause chaos in China, with help from Bill’s super android friends. The action is intense and romance blossoms as Bill is introduced to Cho, an ancient practice that enables Cho Masters (Japanese President) to see the future.

Please visit Manuscripts to view storylines of other books written and awaiting publication, including the INTERVENTION Series.

Memoir Books Currently Available

Memoirs in the Written for My Children Series recount the events and adventures of the author during his troubled childhood.

There are 4 books in the Written for My Children Series. Visit Manuscripts to view the storyline of 1965-’69 LIFE WITH LINDA.

Titles below are links to summaries and sample chapters.

1959 – END OF CHILDHOOD is the first memoir. Eleven-year-old Billy’s parentless journeys, adventures, and observations while being shuffled between poor families with his two younger brothers. Basketball and school are his refuges. Christmas of 1959 is bittersweet, and a teacher is a mentor. What were you doing as an 11-year-old? You’ll be shocked!

1960-’63 AWAKENING is the second memoir. Billy and his brothers are shuffled between a middle-class family in the suburbs and the poor neighborhood they call home. His adventures include culture shock, new school friends, girlfriends, and traveling. Basketball plays a vital role in his acceptance. Do you remember your formative early teen years? This is a poignant story of trust and betrayal.

1964 – BEST YEAR EVER is the third memoir. It covers Bill’s sophomore year in high school. A first car for his family (still no phone), varsity basketball, and a date with the lady he’ll spend the rest of his life with. This is a love story that’s lasted for over 50 years!

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